Reversing Center
Дистанционный центр по исследованию защитного ПО.
Update 14 October 2024
We've fixed a bug where project files were sometimes incorrectly saved to the working directory. Now, if a project was previously saved to a specific folder and that folder is still accessible, the project will be saved there by default. Otherwise, it will be saved in the user home directory.
This release updates the default Intruder payload list to include email splitting attacks. For more information on email parsing discrepancies, including how they can be exploited, see the Splitting the Email Atom: Exploiting Parsers to Bypass Access Controls white paper by Gareth Heyes from our PortSwigger Research team.
This release upgrades Burp’s browser to a later version of Chromium and fixes a bug with the Intruder attack results window.