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Video TweetPressr

Video TweetPressr 2014-12-19

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Get Free Targeted Traffic, Build Authority & Send Prospects To Your
Squeeze Pages, Affiliate Offers & More … All On Autopilot

100% Automated Social Marketing NOW With The Power Of Video!
"The Most Complete Twitter Marketing Tool You Have Ever Seen"

Introducing... Video Tweetpressr

Dear Marketer,

We know that incorporating Social Media into our marketing strategies is important. We know that it’s a great way to improve our Page Rankings and drive targeted traffic to our websites, increase social sharing and capture new leads and customers.

Doing everything that is required to manage those Social Media profiles is time consuming and Facebook just doesn’t approve of automation without penalties …

However - did you know that Twitter DOES allow automated actions providing they don’t include Spam.

So we took a long look at what’s popular today and we picked out a few Keywords:

To Build Authority & Boost SEO you need a mix of the following:

Social Media, Video, Curation & Automation …

And we eliminated the social platforms from our list that were not Marketer Friendly and we were left with one …

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