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Affpressor 2014-12-15

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Do me a favor and think about all the work it takes to incorporate all of the numerous affiliate programs we use onto a single WordPress blog.

… for me, I always use Commission Junction, Amazon, and Ebay. They are my big three. But, anybody who is anybody in Internet Marketing, understands the challenges associated with getting affiliate links from all three programs onto your blog.

If you don’t mind, this is my impersonation of you getting all of the affiliate links from the programs, to your blog, and then activated …

“ … mouse click … mouse click … mouse click … mouse click … mouse click … mouse click … mouse click … mouse click … work out the cramp … mouse click … mouse click … mouse click … carpal-tunnel syndrome … mouse click … mouse click … “

… okay, you surely get the point. Doing all the work to get multiple affiliate links from multiple affiliate programs onto your blog is quite a hassle. Not to mention potentially detrimental to your health.

In the end, the work is worth it. Why? Because many, many people are making a full-time living off of these affiliate programs … sometimes just one of them. Others are making an absolutely absurd amount of cash utilizing all three of them.

But the work involved is repetitive and tedious. Who has time manually find relevent Affiliate offers, set up the links, add the links to your sites…..and so on? The word “work” has gotten a bad reputation in Internet Marketing. Why? Simply because it shatters the dreams and illusions of those thousands of people that discover Internet Marketing every day and then realize that it is not instant cash … there is worked involved.

“Luckily, there are ways around all of the repetitive and mind-numbing work. And I have created one of the best avenues to weave around the traffic jam that is ‘work’ in Internet Marketing.”

“Affpressor is an all-in-one plugin that will automatically insert affiliate links fromCommission Junction, Amazon, and Ebay based on the keyword that you provide.”

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