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Easy Azon

Easy Azon 3.8

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How To Make More Money Using EasyAzon 3
Automatically generate Amazon commissions from international traffic

  • EasyAzon 3 has a built in automatic link localizerthat will take your Amazon affiliate link and display a link for the Amazon locale based on who is visiting your website – Huge commission booster!
  • You can create affiliate links or enable link localization for any country Amazon has an affiliate program in including: United States, Canda, China, France, Germany, India*, Italy, Japan, Spain and United Kingdom. (*Must be resident at this time, but this may change)
  • Sign up for other Amazon affiliate programs (free to join and you can use the same website you used before) to participate in link localization.
  • Literally check one single box in the EasyAzon 3 settings to automatically localize your affiliate links and cash in on wasted international traffic

73,653 International Visitors From One Website
(Over 25% Traffic From The Top 10 Countries Alone That Could Be Generating Commissions With Link Localization Turned On)


When a user hovers over one of your affiliate links with product pop up enabled this happens.

Enable Product Pop Ups To Attract User Attention And Get More Affiliate Clicks!
  • EasyAzon 3 has a product pop up solution built in that can be triggered on a site wide or individual link basis.
  • Pop up scripts grab users attention which can lead tomore Amazon affiliate link clicks and more commissions for you.
Set Affiliate Links To Add To Users Shopping Cart (More Time To Earn Commission)
  • If a user clicks through your affiliate link and adds an item to their shopping cart you have an extra 89 days to get a commission if they buy the item they added.
  • You can enable or disable “Add To Cart” in EasyAzon 3 for individual links, as well as, toggle it on or off for your entire website as well.

We’re also bringing even more value to EasyAzon with these 2 extra bonuses! …
Bonus 1 – How to Make More Money with Amazon Guide

Learn How To Maximize Your Amazon Commissions
Get a powerful companion study guide revealing 17 ways to make more money with the Amazon affiliate program.

I’ve written this guide based on over 4 years of Amazon affiliate experience with over $100,000 in Amazon commissions.

Back in late 2009 I actually lost my job but fortunately when I lost my job I was already generating a full-time income from Amazon’s affiliate program alone and I’ve been self-employed ever since generating over $100,000 in commissions, as well as, earning tens of thousands of dollars from other sources.

In this short study guide I’ll reveal 17 lessons I’ve learned for making more money with the Amazon affiliate program based on my personal experience selling over $1.5 million dollars worth of products!

If you follow these simple tactics along with the methods given in the bonus tutorial videos, you’ll be in a much better spot to increase your success as an Amazon affiliate!

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