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Google Plus Bot

Google Plus Bot

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Google Plus Bot
The Ultimate Google Plus Automation bot. Increase followers, auto post, auto Plus one, auto follow, join communities, scrape and more

Google Plus Bot - The Ultimate In Google Plus Automation
  • tick.png
    Automatic Following
  • tick.png
    Automatic unfollowing
  • tick.png
    Automatic Liking
  • tick.png
    Automatic Commenting
  • tick.png
    Full account support, works with profiles and pages (business / secondary pages)
  • tick.png
    RSS posting text / images / links / audio / videos
  • tick.png
    Automatic posting of new items to RSS feeds
  • tick.png
    Action on all posts in community
  • tick.png
    Action on all community members
  • tick.png
    Action on all community contributers
  • tick.png
    Full search support
  • tick.png
    Action via search via authors or post
  • tick.png
    Filter search via recent or popular
  • tick.png
    Post links
  • tick.png
    Post videos
  • tick.png
    Post text
  • tick.png
    Post Audio
  • tick.png
    Post to communities
  • tick.png
    Join Communities
  • tick.png
    GPlus List Scraper
  • tick.png
    Manage an unlimited amount of accounts.
  • tick.png
    Account Verification
  • tick.png
    Full Spintax support
  • tick.png
    Schedule all actions for Drip Feeding potential.
  • tick.png
    Time delay between actions to appear realistic
  • tick.png
    Repeat all actions for constant promotions hands free!
  • tick.png
    Frequent updates
  • tick.png
    Good quality support via multiple systems
  • tick.png
    Full Captcha API support
  • tick.png
    All processes are stored so can be restarted in case of power failure
  • tick.png
    Detailed logs of all processes
  • tick.png
    Import / Export features for profiles, proxies. It is your data to take and do what you want with
  • tick.png
    Redo / retry / pause / cancel any action
  • tick.png
    Money back Guarantee
Search And Follow Users / Unfollow
Search for users, community members, community contributors, authors of posts returned by search and follow them automatically. Following users is a great way to get followers as most users will follow you back. But better than this is getting users to follow you back who are interested in the same niche as yourself, so the Google Plus bot from rootjazz allows you to find users to follow by searching keywords / hashtags and numerous scrape functionality

Search And Post Comments
Search for posts and add comments automatically. Posting messages to a post is a great way to engage the user and to get them to check your profile / pages

Search And Post Profile Comments
Search for users and post comments to their profile automatically. Posting messages to a users profile is a great way to engage the user and to get them to check your tracks out

Search And Like / Plus One Posts
Search for posts, process all posts for a user, process all posts in a community and plus one / like them automatically. Google plus bot allows you to find posts to Like by searching keywords / hashtags with recent or popular filters so you can Like targeted posts. Liking a post adds your profile URL to the post and is another way for users browsing google plus to stumble across your profile

Full RSS Feed Support Auto Post Text, Images, Links, Videos
Easily specify content to syndicate to your Google Plus feed. Automatically post new wordpress posts or links, twitter tweets, pinterest images, imgur images, youtube videos. Powerful scripting to work with ANY RSS feed. Assign tokenised meta data to apply to each video. Repeat to upload all new content added to the feed AUTOMATICALLY.

Full Accounts Support
Run an unlimited number of accounts in Google Plus bot. No limits or hidden charges for extra accounts! Full support for profile pages and business / secondary pages

Google Plus Scraper / Profile Scraper / Post Scraper / Community Scraper
Scrape lists of posts / users / communities / members / contributors. Filter your lists for greater targeting of posts user for your automation runs

Import / Export
All your data belongs to you. You can import / export everything for your promotions

Database Storage
Google Plus bot stores your data in a database structure. If you want to shut down the application, it can restart all processes currently queued up for processing. All processes can be redone, retried if failed, paused or cancelled.

Captcha API Support
Have the signup / login captchas solved by the following APIS.

  • Death by Captcha
  • By Pass Captcha
  • Human Coder
  • Decaptcher
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