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Mass Video Generator

Mass Video Generator 4.1

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A Single Video, Hosted on a Top Video Sharing Site (Like, can get lot of traffic from the video sharing site itself + it could also get top Google ranks for the Keyword used on the Video Description. See the power of this?


What if you find a software that automatically generates one unique video per keyword you want to target? It would be like playing the game with an unfair advantage. Well, this is what you get withMass Video Generator...

MVG it's a software designed to automatically create UNIQUE videos in bulk (with unique music, text, images and effects) for all of your keywords (keywords can be dynamically passed to the content of each video so your vids look more relevant), even if you never created a single video before.

Compared with other traffic generation alternatives that are extremely time consuming (like article marketing, blogging, and so on) MVG produces unique content (in the form of videos) to target different keywords, without wasting your time.


Best of all, creating the content of your videos is like writing an ad: Just enter some text to rotate, add your url and you're ready!! Not to mention that it's better than writing an ad as you can use images,music and effects to creat great videos that convert better that a flat text ad!


You'll See That Both Videos Are Similar... But Unique (They Show Different Text, Different Music, Effects, Background Clips, Random Images and And Each One Of Them Targets One Specific Keyword - You Can Pass Each Keyword to The Video).

We worked hard to simplify Mass Video Generation to the limit, keeping the focus on delivering good looking videos that will look targeted to each one of your keywords (which will help you to boost your conversions) and you can take a look at some of them right here:


We've Simplified Everything. Even Those Things That Are Time Consuming Like Getting Images For Your Videos or Cutting Long Mp3's, Are Easily Solved With a Couple of Clicks.


Instead of creating plain "Slideshows", MVG has different features to automatically create good looking videos, videos that your visitors will watch (it doesn't make sense to upload lot of videos if people will stop watching them after 2 seconds).


Making each video look targeted to your keywords (Relevance), is a second powerful way to call the attention of your viewers and make your videos convert better.

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Стоимость - 47$
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