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Ultimate Woo Auction Pro

Ultimate Woo Auction Pro 1.3.0

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Changelog последних версий

= 1.3.0 =

1. Fix:

NOTICE was being displayed inside WP Dashboard. We have attended and fixed it.

= 1.2.9 =

1. New Feature:

Email: Watchlist Notification
We have added a new email notification which will send email to the user who has added that product to his watchlist if any user places a bid on that product.
2. Improvement:

Proxy Bid cases have been updated
Plugin now automatically proxy bids when auction ends for user if user's "maximum bid price" is more than reserve price to make him a winner. Previously, the auction ended without winner if the actual bid is not more than reserve price no matter what maximum bid would be.
Plugin will now automatically proxy bid and jump the bid of User 1 if User 2 matches "maximum bid" of User 1. It will place bid for User 1 of amount same as maximum bid.
3. Improvement:

Separate Start and End Date columns have been added inside Manage Auction > Expired Auction and inside My Account page.
4. Fix:

Error occurred when admin was converting auction product to simple product. This has been fixed.

= 1.2.8 =

1. Fix

Wordpress Errors were displayed while adding "Simple Products". This has been rectified.

= 1.2.7 =

1. New Feature

Direct Bid displays a new drop down with bid values. These bid values are in accordance with the increment value.
Hide or Display Custom/Direct Bid portions - New settings have been introduced for hiding or displaying these fields.
Bid Increment can be now set globally - New global setting has been introduced.
Global setting for blocking/unblocking users for bidding.
2. Improvement

Winner Information can be viewed in shop, detail page and widgets
Winning and Losing labels can be hidden/shown and set custom labels for auction products on shop page.
3. Fixes

Related Product for Auction Products were showing wrong products. We have changed this query.