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Website Auto Traffic Generator

Website Auto Traffic Generator 4.0

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In this era of internet marketing, website Auto traffic generator plays significant role. If the targeted traffic is attained on the required page, this gain publicity, money an exposure to their products. Most of the SEO spent their time in attaining rating to their page. This is a small tool that helps you to create traffic over the internet.

Website Auto Traffic Generator Ultimate is canny standalone tool capable of creating traffic on your blog or website. The tool is clever enough to switch between browsers and IPs which provides legitimate user traffic to your personal sites. The traffic generator is a good tool to riddle the internet. Even the switching between proxies can be done tool with ultimate version. It has a simple user interface to interact with.


Eminent Features
  • Generate traffic and rank your sites on top (SEO).
  • Permits to specify unlimited number of URLs and page views/traffic.
  • Gives traffic from different geographic location.
  • Traffic from multiple web browsers (or user agents).
  • Advanced switch options for switching between Web Browsers and Proxies.
  • Allows Bulk importing of URLs and Proxies.
  • Option to export URLs and Proxies
  • User can define maximum traffic and duration on each page.
  • Live progress status and logging
  • Supported OS: Windowx XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
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